Friday, February 26, 2010

Working At a Car Dealership.. AGHHH!

One of my jobs is working at a Acura car dealership. Some people would think that is a cool job. (you get to be around these nice cars and the job can't be that hard right..?!)
Okay well I will give it to you there.. my job really is not that hard. I am a receptionist/cashier. Yes, I do handle large sums of money, but as long as you're organized your okay.
But what no one sees is the inside of a car dealership!!! These people are absolutely crazy!!! Everyone is always fighting with eachother over money and getting the deal. It is sad to see it go to the lengths it does. I have seen friends that are co-workers get into crazy fights. Not only are all my co-workers crazy.. The customers are.. OH MY GOD!!!! hahaha I don't even want to go there. But it is ridiculous some of the questions I am asked..
Some of the craziest things I have seen working here.......
1. A husband and wife coming in to buy a car. He thought his credit score was at a 740 and his wife was a 500. He expected to be at a 4% finance rate, until my finance manager told him it would be more like 14%. Turns out his wife neglected to mention she got a bunch of credit cards and they are in 100,000.00 in debt. The man nearly had a heart attack in front of me. (he had no idea)
2. A middle eastern man throw an entire extra large coffee across the entire showroom at a salesman. We still have the coffee stains against the corner wall.
3. Porters back cars into walls, doors, other cars... no big deal.
4. A man smashing his car literally pulling off of our lot, bought it brand new.
5. Our service department told a couple that they could not drive their car because it was very dangerous. They assured us they called a tow truck and just wanted their keys. (they weren't happy with our service dept. i guess) We had no choice but to give them their keys. They pulled about 10 feet and all four tires fell off. Their car was literally on the ground.
6. Having a customer come from jiffy lube because they stripped his oil pan while doing an oil change and the oil was leaking. He came here for an oil change and blamed us for doing this when he picked up vehicle. When my general manager said we would not replace this at our cost. He called the police, having broken up english... we had 6 squad cars.. 3 fire engines.. and 2 ambulances in front of the building in the matter of minutes... Turns out the 911 operator only could make out oil leak and thought the building was like going to blow up.


I commented on Sarah's blog. She said that America should be more concerned with internal affairs rather than sending all this money to Haiti. I completely agree and I have had a couple little arguments over this issue.


I commented on Sarah's blog. It made me laugh because she was talking about how Chicago is one of the most depressed cities in the world and she talks about how frigid cold the winters are. I totally agreed, but I still love Chicago! :)


I commented on Sarah's blog It made me laugh because I could connect to it. :)


I posted a comment on post. I agreed that it is disgusting to think that people actually do molest children.


I posted a comment on It was a about her struggling with a skin conditon. I agreed that people shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Seriously ever since this iphone has come out, there has been no other phone that I have wanted! Just the newest coolest phone! So I suspended my account with t-mobile and went to AT&T with my brother. At first I was like okay I love this phone and it does everything that everyone says it does.....
THEN, I have it for a couple days and try to call people and recieve phone calls! I have never had so many dropped calls in my entire life. Whenever you call the customer care line, they just say that they will discount your bill (that's if you turn blue in the face) and make up some excuse and send their apologies.
If anyone out there wants to go to AT&T for just the iphone purpose, don't do it! You are better off getting an unlocked iphone off ebay or something and just bringing it to another carrier. AT&T service is terrible, and their customer care representitives dont even get personal with you when you are talking with them.
Coming from tmobile, they always were so nice and personable.
Ultimately it is your decision. Read the reviews online before signing a two year contract!
As soon as they come up with a jailbreak for my particular phone and upgrade, I plan to pay the deactivation fee and go back to T-mobile!
Best of luck to you guys! :)

PS- Apples contract with AT&T is coming to an end soon, and most service providers might have it.. just saying! :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I have never really been into the whole buying online thing. But I thought I would give it a try, and decided to put my ipod online for sale. I put it on craigslist. My brother has used the site dozens of times, for lots of different reasons. So i figured, its my old one, why not sell it?!
So I put it up for like 200 bucks. I had a couple people interested in it, but I wasn't 100% sure that I wanted to sell it. (I should've probably thought about that before). A lot of people were trying to talk me down in price, but finally I found someone that said they would buy it for more than I was even selling it for. I told my brother because I was pretty excited. He told me I was an idiot and that it was a scam.
Before I knew it was a scam, I stupidly gave the woman, or whoever was at the other end of the computer, my real address. They told me that they were sending me a check through next day delivery, but they were out of the country. They sounded very intelligent and they told me that they would have their courier pick up the ipod. She told me to cash it through my checking account and that she was writing the check for 1000.00 over and to just give the money to the courier. Than told me that she would give me an extra 200 for doing this. The next day I had a check that was next day delivered in my mailbox.
Okay call me an idiot for thinking this was real but I actually did. Than I came to my senses and realized I was given a fake check. I gave it to the Northlake Police Department. They took care of it from there. The lady emailed me everyday for like 2 months straight asking when she could send her courier. I finally just deleted the e-mail and created a new account. People are crazy and sneaky out there! BEWARE!!!!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wake Up and Smell the Roses.. :)

I know that society has changed so much in the past recent years. When my parents were young, it was unheard of to see someone in high school pregnant. But times are changing and a quarter of the girls walking around the high school and some middle school halls are pregnant. It isn't for anyone to judge them, its their choice.
Last Christmas, my family was going through a hard time. My sisters boyfriend was living with us because he got kicked out of his families house. My mom, being a good person, took him in.
One night in November, I was at work. I get a call from my mom. She said we have the entire Narcotics task force was upstairs in my house. Turns out, my sisters boyfriend was drug dealing out of my house and the cops had been watching it for months. I was so embarrassed when I found out, considering no one in my entire family is in the that kind of stuff. They arrested my sisters boyfriend, and my mom said he was not welcome back because the cops threatened to park a car out in front of my house if she allowed him back.
Than around mid December, my sister did not get her monthly friend. I notice everything. So i asked her, and she said she was just stressed out and it was late. I'm smarter than that, I realized she was pregnant.
Now everyone in my family knows, my sister is 18. She is a super senior at a behavior high school, she has never held a job for more than 2 weeks in her entire life, and doesn't plan to work anytime soon either.
I love children, but I believe this baby deserves the best. My mom is going to end up raising this baby, because my sister can not afford to and neither can her boyfriend. I wish she would consider other alternatives, but she said "this aint some juno shit, ang." So i guess adoption is out of the question.
She is due in mid June. We will see how that goes. I can't predict the future, but this will be my neice or my nephew and I will love it no matter what. Although, I dont agree with what my sister is doing. I will end up giving that baby everything I can. I just wish she would wake up and smell the roses.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tragic Case of Mistaken Identity

Minivan rams SUV in Humboldt Park; 8 hurt


Eight people were hurt this morning when a minivan intentionally rammed into a sport-utility vehicle, causing it to flip over and hit a pole early in Chicago's Humboldt Park neighborhood.

Two of the victims were reported in critical condition, said Chicago Police Officer JoAnn Taylor, a police spokeswoman. Five victims were reported in "stable" condition and an eighth
was reported in good, Taylor said.

The victims, all of whom were believed to be riding in the SUV, were taken to Northwestern Memorial, Stroger or Mt. Sinai Hospitals following the crash in the 3500 block of West Augusta Boulevard. Their ages range from 19 to in their 20s.

The crash happened about 4:30 a.m., shortly after witnesses saw the Voyager minivan and the Lincoln Navigator SUV traveling side-by-side while westbound on Augusta, according to Taylor.

That's when "the driver of the [minivan] began intentionally ramming the SUV, causing it to lose control and flip over," Taylor said. The SUV then hit a pole, she said.

--Jeremy Gorner, Denise Turner and Deanese Williams-Har

To just anyone this is just another unfortunate gang related story that happened in the city of Chicago. Many would read and look past it, or see it on the web and add their own opinions. That’s what I would have done, if these weren’t my friends.

The article tells you about how a man rammed his minivan into the back of a SUV and caused it to flip over. This was the first article written about the incident, so there wasn’t too much information at the time. It tells you where the victims were and somewhat how their conditions were.

I found out around 7am on August 1st. I couldn’t believe it, how could this happen? To people I see every day or whenever everyone gets together. Of course, there were rumors about how bad each of one of my friends were, but there was just so much uncertainty. When everyone around home found out, we all made our way to the most injured victims.

Joe was at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in downtown Chicago. He was an absolute mess. He was the driver, and completely sober at the time of the accident. The force of the airbag pressed him against the seat and made it impossible to duck down as the car rolled. He suffered more brain damage each time it flipped. He was in a coma for a couple weeks, and then transferred to a rehabilitation center for treatment. Joe is okay now. He is living under his parents care because he is still suffering brain injuries.

Stephanie was in the back on the Lincoln Navigator. She wasn’t wearing her seatbelt, and sober at the time, as well. My other friends that were in the car now tell me that they saw her go back and forth, from the front of the car to the back. She was in really bad shape. She was suffering a lot of brain damage, all of her internal organs were so swollen they had to cut her open. She passed away August 3rd at Mt. Sinai Hospital, she was brain dead.

The other victims all had lots of problems. Ranging from broken vertebra/bones to others needing face reconstructive surgery. But to this day, they are all mostly fully recovered and doing well. To my surprise, a friend of mine did walk away with just a limp and scrapes, but completely okay. The car was a large SUV, looked like a volkswagon beetle in the end.

The news called it a tragic case of mistaken identity. It was all over the internet as well. It killed me to read the articles, but worst of all was the blog posts. People from all over were commenting on it. Some were nice thoughtful comments about victims, and their condolences to their family and friends. Other comments were saying that it was all gang related and these suburb kids had no right being in that part of town. It made me very angry to read these. These were all GREAT kids! None of them were in any kind of gang, or looking for any kind of violence. They were just trying to get home from a club downtown at the wrong time.

To this day, I still think about how hard of a time that was for everyone that cared about all the victims. I hope the man who did this stays in jail forever, not even the death penalty. Stephanie was going to be a surgeon; she started college at UIC the summer after high school graduation. She was the most amazing person ever, she had a heart of gold, and did everything she could for anyone. She will forever be missed.