Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I have never really been into the whole buying online thing. But I thought I would give it a try, and decided to put my ipod online for sale. I put it on craigslist. My brother has used the site dozens of times, for lots of different reasons. So i figured, its my old one, why not sell it?!
So I put it up for like 200 bucks. I had a couple people interested in it, but I wasn't 100% sure that I wanted to sell it. (I should've probably thought about that before). A lot of people were trying to talk me down in price, but finally I found someone that said they would buy it for more than I was even selling it for. I told my brother because I was pretty excited. He told me I was an idiot and that it was a scam.
Before I knew it was a scam, I stupidly gave the woman, or whoever was at the other end of the computer, my real address. They told me that they were sending me a check through next day delivery, but they were out of the country. They sounded very intelligent and they told me that they would have their courier pick up the ipod. She told me to cash it through my checking account and that she was writing the check for 1000.00 over and to just give the money to the courier. Than told me that she would give me an extra 200 for doing this. The next day I had a check that was next day delivered in my mailbox.
Okay call me an idiot for thinking this was real but I actually did. Than I came to my senses and realized I was given a fake check. I gave it to the Northlake Police Department. They took care of it from there. The lady emailed me everyday for like 2 months straight asking when she could send her courier. I finally just deleted the e-mail and created a new account. People are crazy and sneaky out there! BEWARE!!!!!


  1. This sounds like something my mom just went through. My mom sells AVON, and online too, and a lady from out the state kept e-mailing her about a huge order. Well the order was going to be about $800 and my mom was weiry. She told the lady to send her the money first before she would put the order in. When the lady sent the money it was in like 3 seperate money orders for $700 each, what a joke. My mom wasn't sure about them because she had never done any business like that before and of course they ended up being fake. She gave them to the police too. The only differnce is that the "lady" never e-mailed her again. My mother tried contacting her but nothing and mailer demons even came back to my mom for the e-mails. The world is a crazy place, we need to watch out for people like these.

  2. I have never tried anything on Craigs List. I love the idea that you can find anything on Craig's list, so I've been told. I guess you can just call me old-fashion because I actually like going to the store to buy something. Don't call yourself an idiot for thinking it was legit at first, I've opened tons of e-mails telling me I've won free trips or free cars, only to be overwhelmed by dozens of popup windows wanting me to take surveys. Especially people in today's society are looking for a quick buck or a scam to get some money, so we all have to be careful.

  3. Wow, that is crazy. My husband uses Craigslist all the time, he's like a pro at it. I never was a fan of used things, but they seem to be working for him. He never had an incident like you, but I am gonna say that every time he goes to pick up whatever he just bought, I am scared for his life. Some people are crazy, and you never know what they are capable of when it comes to few extra bucks. You were lucky enough to realize just in time what you're dealing with.

  4. Well I am glad that you guys can connect with me. All my friends call it my 'near death experience' which it wasn't remotely close, but just to prove this world is nuts and people are really good at the things they do.

  5. O wow. that is pretty crazy. I have never been personally scammed but my girlfriend has. some stole her 16 digit debit card number and somehow created a card and whet on a shopping spree while her card was in her wallet. Luckily she went to the grocery store later that day and seen she had insufficient funds and knew something wasn't right. There are some sick people in this world. I'm glad nothing happened to you that was tragic like that person coming to your house or something. :)

  6. Wow, this is too funny!! My cousin just shared a story with me about Craigslist and the scammers are on the loose. My cousin wanted to purchase a car and the scammer had a 2005 Nissan Maxima for sale for $4500.00. When she contacted the seller the seller told her that he was In England and she would have to wire half the money and the car would arrive in one week. My cousin said she was skeptical about the price and the fact that the car would be at her home in one week. So she disagreed and decided to not complete the deal. I told my cousin about your story and it is sad that many people are scamming people out of money left and right. With the way the economy is scammers are trying to get any little dollar they can regardless who it's from. Nowadays, you have to be careful with who you choose to give your personal information to and what type of deals you should make. I am glad you did not send that I-Pod off and you figured out the scam before the scammers got you!!!!
