Friday, February 12, 2010


Seriously ever since this iphone has come out, there has been no other phone that I have wanted! Just the newest coolest phone! So I suspended my account with t-mobile and went to AT&T with my brother. At first I was like okay I love this phone and it does everything that everyone says it does.....
THEN, I have it for a couple days and try to call people and recieve phone calls! I have never had so many dropped calls in my entire life. Whenever you call the customer care line, they just say that they will discount your bill (that's if you turn blue in the face) and make up some excuse and send their apologies.
If anyone out there wants to go to AT&T for just the iphone purpose, don't do it! You are better off getting an unlocked iphone off ebay or something and just bringing it to another carrier. AT&T service is terrible, and their customer care representitives dont even get personal with you when you are talking with them.
Coming from tmobile, they always were so nice and personable.
Ultimately it is your decision. Read the reviews online before signing a two year contract!
As soon as they come up with a jailbreak for my particular phone and upgrade, I plan to pay the deactivation fee and go back to T-mobile!
Best of luck to you guys! :)

PS- Apples contract with AT&T is coming to an end soon, and most service providers might have it.. just saying! :)


  1. It's so funny you say you had that problem, because so did I. I got my iPhone last June when my contract was up with U.S. Cellular. Although I have never had a dropped call, I do have problems with my 3G service in certain areas. I have the 3GS and supposedly it has a better battery life than the previous ones, in that case I feel bad for the people stuck with the old one because my battery life is horrible. I did make the choice to go with AT&T just for the iPhone, and as soon as my contract is up I will no longer be with them. Through my work I have an employee discount, normally it's supposed to take 2 months for it to be applied to the bill, I got the phone in June and it's February now and I JUST got my discount 8 months later.

    There are so many phones out there today that can compare with the iPhone, like the HTC's which are real nice and the Droid phones.

    I do love my iPhone though :)

  2. I am by no means a spokesperson for AT&T but I must say that my service is great with them. I have had AT&T for as long as I can remember. I will say that AT&T is the most expensive carrier and not much on competitive pricing. That is the biggest drawback that I see. The iphone came out about five years ago, on a Friday; I got mine that following Sunday without the long wait in line and all the drama of the Friday release date. I was literally in and out of the store in less than 10 minutes. I am still currently using the first generation iphone and have only one complaint. You have to go online if someone sends you a media text, other than that, no problems. After 5+ years it is still working just fine and after the huge chunk of money I spent to purchase it, I think it’s still got a little more life yet. Maybe when the 6G come out ill upgrade.

  3. You too??!!....i just got an iPhone and I am having the same problem with them. Its unbelievable what their customer service is train to say to you....i called them because my service sux and Im tired of it, but they always have some kind of excuse or they will offer you money towards your bill. But the best part is that my brother has iPhone too and his is great. So now Im not sure if there is a glitch in some of their phones and we just happened to get them or what. Right now Im trying to get a different Iphone from them for free...I will let you know if I get it or not. I pay way too much money for their service not to get one. Good luck to you!

  4. I feel you pain- a friend of mine was braggin about her amazing iPhone and how much better it is than my BlackBerry. The same thing happened to her and now we both have BlackBerry. I have never had a problem with my phone and it does everything an iPhone has. My carrier is Verizon-"Can you hear me now" and you will say yes! It may just be a glitch like mtabor said because I know alot of people who swear by them. I wish you luck!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry, I accidentally removed my post.
    Yeah, Apple's contract is coming to an end, and they did tell AT&T that if they don't shape up, they will not be renewing it. I also wanted an iPhone for the longest, especially since my husband had one since it came out (through AT&T). However I did not want to switch from T-mobile to AT&T. My brother told me that I should do what he did and buy the iPhone and unlock it for like $50. But that seemed expensive since the phone itself runs for $500. So then I took a chance and decided to buy an unlocked iPhone on ebay. I got the phone in great condition without paying an arm and a leg for it. $200 and two years later I couldn't be happier. I wouldn't trade it for anything

  7. aghhhhh i seriously wish i would have just got an unlocked one. my boyfriend has had at&t and the iphone since it first came out and he has NO problems. me on the other hand... i am calling them once a week lately!
    well i think i might just unlock it and go else where.. at least i dont feel like the only one now! :)

  8. I'm glad to hear that Apple's contract with AT&T is coming to an end. If Apple works with other carriers then people won't have as many service problems.

    Couldn't you imagine a new Verizon commerical where the guy says "Can you hear me now?" with an iphone? I'd love to see that happen.
